Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the overnight shift and all the crazy music you hear

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (that would be by big sigh of Relief).  So I managed to survive a 17 hour day of work.  It was crazy, but we all made it through.  It was very interesting since there were a lot of different people, all with their very own music tastes in one big room!  There was so much to take in!

My day started at about 4pm yesterday and the music was all my own (using my headphones, I attempted to be considerate).  I was listening to pandora and my station was set to Tokyo Police Club.  I got to hear some Passion Pit "Sleepyhead".  This is such an interesting incorporation of sounds and vocals.  It makes you want to jump in with the autotuned voices.

As the night progressed there was quite a mix of music to be heard.  It started with some Patsy Cline.  It was set up as a lead in to how we were gonna deal with the move not going as planned.  The song of choice was "Crazy"  .  This actually became the theme song of the night.

While a classic there were some other such intriguing tunes played the night became a conglomeration of chaos.  Musical chaos it always fun for me but as I learned not so much for my coworkers.  For little bit following Patsy,  I got the stage to pick some tunes and I put my iTunes on shuffle and started off with the Decemberists "rox in the box".  I really like this group more each time I listen to them.  They are like a combination between modern indie rock and traditional Irish music.  Rox in the box, I think, really gives this sense and I think that might be why its my favorite!

Next up was a coworker who had a musical epiphany!  He was recently giving another coworking a hard time for some new music she was listening to, That I have actually given to her, which was Adele.  While he was listing he realized that a song that the really good song that just started playing was one he was mocking her for,  the song was Rolling in the Deep.  I love this song.   It is truly amazing, there is so much feeling it just makes you want to pound your fist on something as you groove to the beat!

The rest of the night there was so much it was hard to keep track.  What was funny was the differing work modes.  Some need loud music and some need no music.  Then there were the one who like the music but not loud just enough to provide a slight distraction.  What I learned tonight is that everyone like their music.  Styles are different but at a balanced level everyone will enjoy it all!

As I take what I learned for the day I'm leaving you with one more song by the Decemberists

Later till my next musings!!!

1 comment:

  1. umm i'm so obsessed with the new decemberists album its no joke. NO....joke!
